Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

The Potential of Padang Seurahet, Meulaboh, As A Coastal Tourism Destination: A Preliminary Study on An Example of Possibility of Restoring Land After Being Hit by Large Tsunami

Wahyu Budi Setyawan1, and Elysa Wulandari2

1. Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Scinces (LIPI), Jakarta, Indonesia

2. Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, University of Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

Abstract: We provide an example of possibility of restoring land after being hit by the tsunami. Prior to the 2004 tsunami, the coastal area of Padang Seurahet was a densely populated part of the city of Meulaboh with a problem of coastal erosion. When the tsunami occurred, this area was completely destroyed and the coastal land was eroded. In 2020, after about 16 years since the tsunami, geomorphologically the process of restoring the area has been completed, although the coastal terrain has not returned to the same as it was before the tsunami and the problem of coastal erosion remains. Currently the area is relatively uninhabited, neglected, but at first glance it appears to have good tourism potential as a point of view towards the Indian Ocean region, the bay and the City of Meulaboh. Based on the above problems, this study is important to carry out, to see the opportunities for developing the Padang Seurahet area as a city tourism destination, to revive parts of the former tsunami city area, while still taking disaster mitigation into account. This study was conducted using a phenomenological induction approach, looking at the symptoms of tourism potential from its landscape character, and the qualitative-quantitative mixed analysis method. Study of the potential for developing coastal tourism areas based on basic parameters for the development of coastal tourism activities from the DTRP (Department of Tourism, the Republic of the Philippines) and references from the WTO (World Tourism Organization). The results of the analysis of its coastal landforms now show that the coastal area of Padang Seurahet covering an area of about 20 hectares has good potential to be developed as a beach tourism destination with tourist attractions: (1) natural type with the category of coastal areas and landscapes, (2) sports and recreational types in forms of walking, cycling, exercising and playing on the beach, (3) shopping types such as coffee shops and traditional cakes. Erosion prevention efforts can be planned in such a way by building a coastal defense system that can capture beach sand sediment and can be used for tourism activities. The area’s basic infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, fresh water and telecommunications, are easily accessible because Padang Seurahet is close to Meulaboh City. Then, residents of Meulaboh City and the surrounding area are potential visitors to this tourist area. The results of this study are expected to be the initial reference in planning the development of the Padang Seurahet coastal area.

Key words: coastal zone, coastal tourism, land restoration, Padang Seurahet, Meulaboh, Meulaboh bay

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