  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Corporate Governance in Alpine Clubs a Must Have?

Helene Ellerī€ 
(University of Latvia, Latvia)


Abstract: Corporate Governance is an important topic within science, today. Corporate governance came into the field of high interest because of many worldwide crashes of corporations. Nonprofit-organizations face the challenge of being multiple-stakeholder organizations. There exist no single owners on which an organization’s mission could be adjusted. Because of the absence of the owner an alternative system has to be found to look at the interest of the named multiple stakeholders. On behalf of whom has a nonprofit-organization to be lead? Famous Alpine Clubs in Europe were founded as small associations starting in 1862. Today they represent more than one million of members. It is obvious for these organizations to adopt the philosophy of corporate governance? Could it be a helpful answer to cope with challenges in the future?


Key words: corporate governance; nonprofit organization; voluntary board; voluntary association


JEL codes: G34, L31

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