  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Cloud Computing as Key Digital Infrastructure to Achieve Japan’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Challenge: A Potential “Revival” of Competition Analysis Problems and Prospects for the Bulgarian Economy

Dobrin Ganchev1, Sergey Naydenov2
(1. Department of Social and Economic Sciences, Technical University, Gabrovo, Bulgaria;
2. Department of Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship, Economic University, Svishtov, Bulgaria)

Abstract: In the last decades, the Bulgarian economy has undergone significant transformations, especially in the industrial sector that played a leading role among the other sectors. In conditions of command-administrative system, this paradigm defined a structure in which the leading role was played by the branches of the heavy industry. In the transition to market economy, the structure of the national economy underwent radical changes, both in positive and negative aspect.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possible situations after the end of the current crisis, to make specific recommendations and to identify opportunities for adaptation of the most important sectors of the national economy.

Key words: transformation, crisis, foreign investment, industry, branch

JEL codes: M10, O10

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