  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

The National Strategy of Inner Areas (SNAI) 2014-2020 in the Calabrian Areas of Experimentation: Health and Social Inclusion Territorial Infrastructures and Services at the Core of Riprogramming Pandemic Priorities

Giovanni Soda, Maria Laura Tucci, Tania Nucera
(Regione Calabria Dipartimento Segretariato Generale U.O.A. Nucleo Regionale di Valutazione e Verifica Investimenti Pubblici, Città di Catanzaro, Italy)

Abstract: The outbreak of pandemic crisis has focused on territorial medicine and digital support technologies, implementable through the creation of territorially distributed infrastructure and services networks, to ensure assistance and monitoring to the local health and social prevention and care needs, particularly in the inner areas. The riprogramming of POR Calabria FESR FSE 2014-2020, consequent to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and to the need adopting mitigation and contrast measures to the health and socio-economic crisis, provides specific measures for strengthening health territorial networks and services, implementation of new digital technologies, support and care services for fragile people. The regional approach for the remodeling of health and social services, programmed in the four SNAI pilot areas, directs the priorities in favour of e-ealth and integrated home care services. This confirms that the existing territorial criticalities, enhanced by the pandemic, are focalized by the implementing strategy in “inner areas”, to guarantee the health right to residents of these territories.

Key words: inner areas strategy, territorial medicine, e-health, integrated home care services

JEL codes: I, I1, R, R5

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