- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Securing Health and Personal Privacy on Medical Implantable Technological Devices in Healthcare Industry
Khoi Ho Anh Ngo
(Nam Can Tho University)
Abstract: The introduction of new information technologies applying in medical industry promises viable treatments for a number of diseases or healing human body defects. Among these, applying electronic implantable devices for medical purposes can be screened as one of the typical examples. However, the wide application of such devices for medical treatments has drawn some concerns over the security of personal privacy since the personal data are transmitted and stored on such devices and the connecting system. These concerns are even more emphasized on the cases where the operation of electronic implantable devices can be impacted due to the illicit motivations, which resulted directly on the health status of the patients. This article thus focused on demonstrating some risks that may happen to those who carry medical implantable devices to suggest some solutions to overcome the modern business dilemma situation of securing the health of patients while protecting their privacy. All are viewed on the background of the medical and technology development in the modern healthcare industrial world.
Key words: health economics; health care industry; medical implantable devices; personal information; personal privacy; information security
JEL codes: K14, K15, K22, K24, K38