  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

The Architecture of Programme Evaluation

Giorgos Maggopoulos 

(Hellenic Open University, Greece)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the structural elements of programme evaluation. In order to make the purpose of our research feasible, we focus on three main objectives: first, we attempt to deconstruct the most important evaluation models or approaches into their key elements, as those emerge in the relevant literature. Second, we outline the most important areas of decisions that the evaluator is required to make when designing the evaluation, as those emerge from the broader theoretical framework and the implementation of programme evaluation. Third, we venture a reconstruction of the above, in order to demonstrate, on the one hand, the architecture of the evaluation endeavour and, on the other hand, to compose a new proposal or evaluation model. The research is bibliographic and is based on the deconstruction of goal-based evaluation, responsive evaluation, theory-based evaluation, utilization-focused evaluation, empowerment evaluation, and constructivism evaluation. At the same time, emphasis is placed on seven areas of important decisions that the evaluator is required to make when designing the evaluation. These areas are called i) initial concerns, ii) intentions, iii) description of the object of evaluation, iv) questions, v) answers, vi) report, presentation and dissemination of findings and vii) meta-evaluation. Next, we attempt the dialectical synthesis of the above, making the basic structural elements of programme evaluation clear and recognizable. The above actions allow the formation and development of a holistic model of programme evaluation.

Key words: programme evaluation, programme evaluation models, holistic model of programme evaluation

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