  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Using Movement to Enhance Musical Understanding in Early Childhood

Maria Papazachariou Christoforou

(Department of Arts, European University Cyprus, Cyprus)

Abstract: Movement is essential to musical development and to enable performing and listening to music with comprehension. However, the investigation of the role of body and movement in music pedagogy is relatively new; therefore, there is now increased interest in examining ways in which movement could be integrated into music learning contexts, especially in early childhood. In this article, I discuss findings that have confirmed the importance of the use of movement for enhancing musical understanding. I also present curricula considerations based on the movement framework of Rudolf Von Laban, derived from the manner in which Edwin Gordon incorporated this framework into music learning theory.

Key words: musical understanding, movement, early childhood, Laban movement framework, music learning theory

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