  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Evaluation and Monitoring of the Group of Pregnant Women in a Primary Health Care Unit in the Municipality of Fortaleza

Fernanda Castro Silvestre1, Maria Helenice Almeida Leitão2, Tiago Araújo Monteiro3, Mayara Duarte da Rocha4, Samilly Girão de Oliveira5, Adriano Rodrigues de Souza6
(1. Primary Health Care Unit Regina Maria da Silva Severino, Brazil;

2. Primary Care of Regional VI of the Municipality of Fortaleza, Brazil;

3. Health Team of the Primary Health Care Unit Regina Maria da Silva Severino, Brazil;

4. Secretariat of Social Protection, Justice, Citizenship, Women and Human Rights (WHR), Brazil;

5. Regional III of the Municipality of Fortaleza, Brazil; 6. State University of Ceará (UECE), Brazil)

Abstract: This work aims to show the deployment of a Group of Pregnant Women developed in a Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) of Regional V. Firstly, a strategy was started for early capture, prenatal care, stratification and the entire development of care for prenatal. The collection took place collectively, through visits by Community Health Agents (CHA), in the visits to the unit and early identification of suspected pregnancy, the examination was carried out. Finding pregnancy, the first consultation was held in partnership between psychology and nursing, starting with anamnesis of pregnancy, raising awareness about sexually transmitted infectious diseases, application of the rapid test and scheduling for the group of pregnant women. During the meetings, experiences and difficulties related to the gestational period were shared, covering topics such as breast care and the newborn. The pregnant women got interest and realized the relevance of the group, maintaining attendance to the meetings. An average of 102 pregnant women were monitored during the period from January to December 2019, which effectively prevents and promotes health in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) linked to the Extended Family Health Center (EFHC).

Key words: prenatal care; group of pregnant women in primary care; maternal health; public health education

         JEL codes: I, I1

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