  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

From Slavery to Freedom

Eugenia Kaisari


Abstract: Transformative learning refers to the transformation of a problematic field of reference, so as to provide more justified interpretations. One way of problem solution is through critical thinking. Creative writing on the other hand, either according to the narrower definition of the Detailed Program in force, which speaks about familiarization with literary techniques or according to the wider acceptance of M. Soulioti’s point of view, that writing is always creative, requires the awakening or the students creative skills, which may be expanded even more, through art. This particular teaching scenario, attempts to combine the principles of transformative learning on the one side with the principles of creative writing on the other, in order to correlate the concepts of slavery and freedom in a critical and creative way. The students become critical observers, creative and co-authors.

Key words: transformative learning, critical thinking, creative writing, slavery, freedom

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