  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Public Policies for the Educational Formation of the Worker in An
Interdisciplinary Perspective

Geilson Batista Matias1, Osvaldo Freitas de Jesus2

(1. Universidade de Uberaba (Uniube), Brazil; 2. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)

Abstract: The article discusses the public policies, implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, and designed for the educational training of workers. As a teacher and technician, the social and professional qualification, in which I was involved, became sources of experiences in the activities of monitoring and supervision in loco. Such an attempt defines this experience as a motivational source for the improvement of educational practices, implemented in the classroom in the professional training courses, which I presently teach in educational institutions in Uberlândia/MG. I used contextualization and interdisciplinarity in the disciplines to amplify the educational formation of the worker. The competitive and capitalist world presents many facets that need to be explored, so that the meanings attributed to it can be understood. The educational practices lived through new knowledge produced not in the center of the disciplinary territories, but in the spheres where the worker is, assuming, in this way, characteristics of border knowledge. The educational training of the worker is in permanent construction. With the purpose to provide him with a better understanding and contextualization of the taught disciplines and, mainly, to help him think about it as a pedagogical attitude, that the formation of the worker managed to overcome the fragmentation of the school knowledge which is offered in school.

Key words: interdisciplinarity, attitudes, pedagogy, worker’s education

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