  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Treatment of Education, Culture and Child Development in the Psychology
of L. Vygotsky and R. Peters’ Analytical Philosophy in the Context of the
Linguistic Turn

Larysa Dobrovolska, Valentyna Liapunova, Alexandr Volkov

(Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)

Abstract: This article deals with general provisions existence in the L. Vygotsky psychology and the founder of the analytical educational philosophy by R. Peters. There are interpretation of the children’s education relationship, culture and their development. This research work used variety of methodological approaches and methods, primarily comparative and analytical. There are linguistic turn had a significant impact on the views by L. Vygotsky, in particular on the interpretation of the speech and thinking interaction. Its later was provoked by R. Peters’ analytical educational philosophy. The scientists believes that the theory of cultural and historical development, higher mental functions, the role of speech and thinking in the development of a child by L. Vygotsky is largely due to the influence then ideas of L. Witgenstein. The emergence of the R. Peters’ conceptual analysis and the analytical philosophy of education methodology was influenced by the L. Wittgenstein.

Key words: education, child, development, culture, linguistic turn, analytical philosophy

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