  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Active Debate for Learning Pluralism for Student Candidate
of Teachers’ Religion

Munardji1, Elfi Mu’awanah1, Machsun Rifauddin1, Rifa Hidayah2

(1 IAIN Tulungagung, Indonesia;2. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia)

Abstract: Use of active debates to improve understanding of pluralism for prospective religious teacher students through learning the subject of the education profession. The concept of pluralism has been developing for a long time in Indonesia, but its application is still far from expectations. Lack of understanding of pluralism causes inter-religious conflict creating new problems that are detrimental to the state. On the other hand, understanding of the essence and meaning of pluralism is still ambiguous among the people. This study aims to re-explain the meaning of pluralism with an active debate to prospective students of religious teachers because they are holders of security control in society when they become teachers. The results of the study show that through active debate the essence of pluralism can be possessed by prospective students so that they can be predicted to give an example of upholding pluralism which means tolerance between religious people and not always can explain which religion is correct. The concept of pluralism in Indonesia can be implemented by recognizing the existence of other religions, giving the right to coexist with one another, avoiding violence by not destroying places of worship of other religious people, not forcing the will of followers of other religions, recognizing the many ways humans and orders to compete in virtue.

Key words: pluralism, active debate method

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