Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Teaching Interior Design Methodology — A Case Study Shopping Mall Design Studio Project

Soheir Hegazy

Scientific College of Design, Oman

Abstract: Design is a complicated mental activity that involves detecting the possibilities of a given list of constrains and limitations. Interior design is a challenging multifaceted profession in which creativity and technical solutions have to be provided. These solutions must meet the physical and psychological needs of the occupants, in terms of functionality, improving the quality of life and health, responding to their cultural beliefs and also to be aesthetically attractive. The problem-solving technique that started recently in the artificial intelligence had a profound impact on the design process; it helped to systemize the models of design. This research aims to introduce some guidelines to the instructors, academics, researchers, programmers as well as relevant teaching institutions to create a frame work of thinking of interior design problems. The research methodology is based on data collection and integration of previous literature, analysis, interpretation and a case study as a practice-based model. The research starts with clarifying the design process structure. Then, the requirements for creating a successful interior design were overviewed. A case study of a design studio project which was supervised by the author is presented. Finally, the conclusion and recommendations were crystallized. Further studies to create a soft-ware based interior design model to help the designers and students in evaluating all the requirements, constraints and set priorities was recommended.

Key words: design process, interior design, shopping mall design, design studio project

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