Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Perspectives and Use of Biostimulants in Fruit Growing

José Luiz Petri1, Cristhian Leonardo Fenili2, and André Amarildo Sezerino1
1. Santa Catarina State Rural Extension and Agricultural Research Enterprise (EPAGRI), Caçador Experimental Station, Brazil

2. Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Agroveterinary Sciences Center. Lages, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

Abstract: The climatic and edaphic conditions of Southern Brazil where temperate fruits are produced affect the productivity and physiological aspects of the main species and cultivars. Physiological aspects such as vegetative growth, fruiting and physiological disturbances can be affected by environmental conditions. In Southern Brazil, one of the limiting factors to the development of temperate fruit trees is the insufficient chilling requirement for the main species and cultivars. Additionally, during the growing season, abiotic stresses are also frequent, affecting both productivity and quality of the fruits. Recently, substances called biostimulants has been gaining ground in fruit growing aiming the control of stress and, consequently, the increase of productivity and quality of fruits. 

Key words: temperate fruit growing, physiological effects, abiotic stress

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