  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Willingness to Pay of Consumers for Improved Couscous Made with Corn in Southern Benin

Adijatu Kouboura Alice Djinadou1, Hortensia Vicentia Acacha2 
(1. National Institute of Agricultural Research, Benin;
2. National School of Applied Economics and Management, Université d’Abomey-Calavi)

Abstract: This study evaluates the willingness of Southwestern Benin’s consumers to consume and pay (WTP) the improved Yêkê-yêkê, a couscous made with corn, and the determining factors via the contingent analysis approach. The data was collected from 95 consumers recruited in major markets and shops in urban and peri-urban areas. According to the results, the average WTP predicted from the weighted least squares (WLS) model is estimated at about 130 FCFA/kg (or 0.11 Euros per kilogram) or a 130% surplus of the average price of the traditional Yêkê-yêkê which costs 100 FCFA/kg (0.15 Euros per kg). The explanatory factors of this WTP are mainly related to gender, the area of residence expressing that urban consumers, especially women, were more inclined to grant a high WTP. Other factors, related to the perception of participants about the characteristics of the improved product, namely cleanliness/absence of insects or pebbles, cooking time, presentation/packaging, product availability and importance of the product. The importance of Yêkê-yêkê in household food was also determinant. The results could be useful for processors and policymakers in the ongoing effort to improve the quality and sale of maize products in West Africa at an acceptable price.

Key words: Zea mays, contingent analysis, premium price, weighted least squares model, Benin

JEL codes: O32; O31

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