  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

The Analysis of the Life Insurance Situation in Algeria: Advantages and Limitations 

Tarik Hamoul, Abdessamad Boudi, Sofiane Kassoul (University of Bechar, Algeria) 

Abstract: Life insurance is like other insurance products, its primary purpose is to protect against loss. But is a unique and unlike other kinds of insurance products, because it isn’t for u; it’s for our survivors. In addition of that, it is considered as one of the most important insurances, because the life of a human being is one of the most expensive things. However, unlike in the developed countries, in many other countries like Algeria, this type of insurance is not really propagated. we can give below, a simple illustration about the importance of the life insurance: In many cases, from the life of a single human being depend the lives of other human beings. The head of a family should be considered as an example. With his death the welfare of the other members of the family is endangered, who after his death can face financial and material difficulties. As a result to this risk life insurance needs to be more propagated in the insurance market. 

Key words: insurance; no-life insurance; life insurance; savings; insurance market 

JEL codes: G22, P45, H11

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