  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics
The Impact of ASEAN International Trade on
Economic Growth of Thailand
Wittayakorn-Puripunpinyoo Anucha

(School of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand)

Abstract: The research objectives were to (1) investigate the situation of ASEAN international trade and (2) examine the impact of ASEAN International trade on economic growth of Thailand. The secondary data were gathered as data collection. Growth rate analysis and arithmetic mean were applied. The impact Thai-ASEAN international trade on economic growth was analyzed by econometric model. The research results were (1) since last 20 years, ASEAN international trade has been increased overtime, Thai net-export to ASEAN countries has been increased, and (2) there was positive impact of ASEAN International trade on economic growth of Thailand. The results also implied that every single of Thai-ASEAN net export value of 1 Million US dollar would make Thai economic growth increased by 4.22 Million US dollar. ASEAN international trade still has been the economic driver for Thai economy.
Key words: ASEAN International trade; economic growth
JEL codes: F

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