  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Cognition in Education Can Be Translated in Three Processes:
Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary

Jerônimo Moreira de Oliveira
(University of the People, Brazil)

Abstract: Today, we are living a great expectation that is quality of life and within this scenario we are seeking knowledge and information to minimize the barriers and increase the happiness of being. All definitions and concepts are relevant when we are talking about Cognition in Education that includes: Work and participation of people in the social sphere. So, we can be established a distinction between a procedural knowledge and declarative memory, when learning means different things at different times to different people; for some reasons we have understand this language of sciences, because they all deal with the same idiosyncrasy (see the same thing from different angles). Thus, when we are arriving at the results, we are observing that it is the same problematic in evidence, that being discussed of different forms and structures. If we are to analyze Cognition in Education at the behavioral level, we will be dealing with questions related to the function and on the other side of learning; we tend to deal with questions of structure. When we observe a person and plan different consequences for the different responses that the person can be giving, we are determining the functions of the different responses, that is, the functional relations between the behavior and its consequences. Allow me to introduce the focus on function as the relations between terms and how to structure of the properties. We have an ordering or language of preference for mobilizing characteristics: Goals-smarts, Planning, Persistence and Commitment. Finally, Cognition in Education, particularly, obeyed a triangle divided into three parts, distributed as follows: in the vertically vision implies interdisciplinary, in the horizontally vision implies multidisciplinary and at the apex of the triangle with transdisciplinary, this is spiral.
Key words: knowledge management, cognitive processes, education, cognition in relationships

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