
- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
The Presence of Music in Schools in the South of Brazil
Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel
(State University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Abstract: In this research, the way in which music is taught in municipal public schools of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was investigated. The methodological design used included a quantitative approach, an intersectional survey method at large scale, and self-administered questionnaires for collecting data. In order to analyze the data, a content analysis was performed, taking as reference concepts of music education based on education legislation and the Policy Cycle Approach. As a result, it was found that in spite of the applicable law and the existence of some music activities in schools, there is still a struggle for effectively implementing music education in the state.
Key words: music in schools, public policies on music education, Federal Law No. 11.769/2008, Brazil