  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Teachers’ Formation in Brazil — Policies, Curricula and Practices

Maria Célia Borges, Betânia de Oliveira Laterza Ribeiro, Leonice Matilde Richter, Vânia Maria de Oliveira Vieira
(Federal Universityof Uberlândia, Brazil)

Abstracts: The investigation aimed to know the quality of the curricula for initial formation of teachers, how they are structured and fulfilled, and which improvements are necessary for some education of quality. The contexts comprise Federal Universities located in Ituiutaba (UFU) and Uberaba (UFTM). We used both a bibliographical and documental research and a survey. The deponents are College Education professors and licentiate students. We concluded that the majority of professors comprises masters or doctors, but they present limitations in Didactics; they get updated in congresses because there are no programs for a continual process of growth and education; there is an effort for the integration of contents, but there is no interdisciplinarity; the pedagogical formation in the curriculum has gaps and requires improvement; difficulty in dealing with diversity. The improvement of teacher’s formation in the Public University demands further investments in educational policies and better working conditions.
Key words: formation of teachers, quality of teaching, licentiate curricula

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