  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

University Management: Fundamentals and Challenges for a Multicampi
Public University in Brazil

Ane Geildes Lobo Vieira Nunes1, Carla Liane Nascimento dos Santos1, Eduardo Araújo Santana Nunes2
(1. Bahia State University, Brazil; 2. Federal University of Recôncavo, Brazil)

Abstract: The public universities in Brazil have peculiar intrinsic characteristics that distinguish them and stand out among the organizations that promote higher education. This study, based on a literature review, addresses as the main theme the discussion about the nature of these institutions, how management practices are embedded in their environments and the challenges faced by managers. Initially, considerations were made about the purpose and essence of universities. Subsequently, the focus of the study was directed to the multicampi structure in which the State University of Bahia was formed, analyzing some of the strategies that this University uses to remain socially relevant and promote development. The results of the analyzes showed carried out showed the capacity for transformation and adaptation that these institutions can present in order to maintain their social commitment even in the midst of crises that threaten their existence as they are known.
Key words: Multicampi University, university management, college education

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