  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

An Application of Strategic Performance Management in a Municipality:

A Case Study

Emin Gundogar, Aysegul Yilmaz 
(Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University, Turkey)
Abstract: Strategic performance management is a key to track, manage and develop strategies which realize the vision of an enterprise. Also it is a feedback mechanism to detect why the strategies are not be achieved. A set of well-designed strategies are not considered to be effective if they are not well-implemented. BSC (Balanced Scorecard) is a candidate tool to fill this gap between strategy design and implementation. On the other hand, to improve management of administrative functions and desired outcomes, public sector reform raises in most countries. BSC facilitates to implement the strategy for municipalities in order to fulfil the expectations of administrative reform. However, conventional BSC elements such as perspectives, their weights and the scoring method need to customization. Conventional BSC design should be customized for local organizational structure and culture in the user organization. In this study, a BSC based performance management system is developed for a municipality. BSC infrastructure changes between profit and non-profit organizations. So, BSC dimensions, weights and the scoring method are determined for mentioned municipality. Finally a BSC software is designed according to these attributes.
Key words: balanced scorecard, municipality, strategy map
JEL codes: H790

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