  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Copyright on the View of Indonesia Law and Islamic Jurisprudence

A’rasy Fahrullah1, Djoko Mursinto2
(1. Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia; 2. Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)
Abstract: Copyright problem arises nowadays, in some countries, piracy even becoming legal and usual. This short article seeks to explore various opinions about the copyright and how the solution of various problems it raises. This study is based on library research and finds a variety of eligible data sources. Two extremes of opinion are at two opposite poles which to accept or reject the existence of copyright protection. But it seems the parties agreed more than reject. By reading from the source of Islamic Jurisprudence, especially if using maslahah then our empathy towards the creators will arise. How in the present if we are not trying to protect their own original work, then no one will appreciate the effort tired creators. For the government, it is suggested to protect the innovator efforts to combat piracy and appreciate innovators. Communities also need to be educated to appreciate the work of others and also be encouraged to create the original works. Thus it is expected to create creative and productive society so Islamic nation no more left behind other countries.
Key words: copyright; Indonesia law; Islamic Jurisprudence
JEL code: K2

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