  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

The Holistic Vision of Customer Relationship Management

Pierluigi Passaro
(University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)

Abstract: Speaking about new economy means to approach to a more and more real and concrete concept which takes in itself different approaches comparing to the traditional ones, creating either new opportunities or new risks for the companies. Kotler verifies that, in this new scenery, the main problem of economies is the growth of the importance of productive sectors, in which the consumers, and no more the products, costitute the real insufficient resource. The most sagacious companies have aimed to the implementation of branding politics which can help the managers to define with precision the promises to turn to the consumer and, in the meanwhile, to make available instruments which add new value, nourishing the satisfaction. The holistic marketing is a marketing development, made possible by new technologies which have transferred the contractual power of industry in the consumers’ hands, who, today, are able to decide not only which products to buy, but also at what price, through which canals and with which level of personalization of allocating service. The phenomenon is known also as reverse marketing, or social marketing (Kotler, 2007) in which the consumers dictates the game’s rules, influencing several areas such as the product planning, the distribution canals or even the advertising politics. The companies, therefore, must support the imperative listen-and answer extending his own visual on the clients’ value and aiming to satisfy the needs as more efficiently and effectively as possible, minimizing time and energies that the target has to dedicate to the research, to the order and receipt of goods and services. The new marketing, besides, is no more limited to a sole department, but permeates the mentality of the whole company, integrating the research activities, creation and erogation of the value for the consumer. These changes have a noticeable impact on the companies organization, in which the marketing activities are interconnected to common objectives with other company levels for the creation of value, the maintaining of the acquired consumers and the maximization of profitability.

Key words: customer relationship management; holistic

JEL code: M31

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