  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

The Combat against the Organized Crime in the Republic of Kosovo — Prevention and Efficiency


Emrush Kastrati1, Albrim Kastrati2 
(1. European University of Tirana, Albania; 2. University of Prishtina, Albania)


Abstract: The organized crime is as a quite dangerous negative occurrence, which as such has penetrated in all segments of human society.

The organized crime actually is one of the most serious crimes in the local and international level which acts as an organized group, which goal is the financial benefit or any other direct or indirect material benefit.
The goal of the organized crime is in the supply with illegal goods and services through criminal organization which is involved in criminal activities and which has a quite well organized structure.
The characteristics or features of the organized crime consist in the fact that criminal groups do not have political goals, they have hierarchy, have special or limited membership, criminal groups are permanent, they are famous for using illegal violence, their intend is bribe, they have share tasks, they are famous for monopolist, in their criminal activities they are led with special norms and rules.
With the purpose of prevention and combat of the organized crime, the institutions of Republic of Kosovo should undertake special measures in the enhancing of the criminal prosecution organs capacities and the judicial system organs.

It is necessity approval of other laws for fighting and prevention of organized crime, especially the Law for prevention and combat of organized crime.


Key words: the meaning and characteristics of the organized crime, the international definition of organized crime, the definition of the organized crime according to criminal legislation of Kosovo, the measures for prevention of organized crime

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