  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

The Causal Model of Green Marketing Strategy from View of Stakeholder
Theory and Marketing Exchange


Hsu-Feng Hung
(MingDao University, Changhua 52345, Taiwan)

Abstract: This research intended to be discussed in this study is those important antecedents included in companies’ green marketing strategies under the view point of exchange between stakeholder theory and marketing exchange. The research architecture proposed in this study includes such three main dimensions as the management’s commitment on environment, green culture of company and green strategy planning, among which green strategy planning can be divided into such two sub-dimensions as environmental corporate strategy and environmental marketing strategy. This study researched total 34 hotel practitioners in Taiwan, both local and international, and has taken composite hotels providing both accommodation and meals as the main objects. According to the analysis results of this study, after the possible influence of social desirability has been excluded, the management’s commitments on environment have a significant positive influence on green culture of company and corporate environmental strategy, corporate green culture will have significant positive influence on environmental corporate strategy, corporate green culture plays a meditation part, and environmental corporate strategy will also have significant positive influence on environmental marketing strategy.

Key word: green marketing; green culture; stakeholder theory; marketing exchange; environmental marketing strategy

JEL code: M140

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