
- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Housing Policy as a Part of Urban Regeneration Policy
— The Case of Poland
Aleksandra Jadach-Sepioło, Wojciech Jarczewski
(Institute of Urban Development, ul. Cieszyńska 2, Cracow, Poland)
Abstract: Urban regeneration is becoming important part of the arising urban policy in Poland. Since 2004 urban regeneration projects has been financed by the structural funds and has been adopted as one of the measures taken by the local authorities to tackle with the wicked problems in deteriorated areas. Although many resources are dedicated to the urban regeneration programs, the effects are still weak, especially in housing, or even contrary because of gentrification effects. The aim of the article is presentation of wicked problems in Polish housing policy with reference to the urban policy and regeneration measures. The interdependencies are shown and the “wicked” character of the problem is reflected.
Key words: housing policy; urban regeneration; wicked problems; gentrification
JEL code: R58