  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Core Practices for Managing Virtual Employees in Public Organizations


Aya Maher, Randa El Bedawy 
(The German University in Cairo (GUC), New Cairo City, El Tagamoah El Khames, Egypt;
Misr International University (MIU), KM 28 Cairo-Ismailia Road, Ahmed Orabi District, Egypt)
Abstract: The objective of this qualitative study is to explore and diagnose in depth the core practices for managing virtual employees in public organizations. The significance of the study lies in the growing trend for virtual jobs as a non-traditional means for creating jobs for youth with the spread of the unemployment problem in almost all the world countries, adding to the growing pressures on governments to cut their expenditures. Therefore, this study focuses on filling the gap in the current literature to come up with an integrated approach regarding the core practices for managing virtual employees in public organizations, opportunities, challenges, trends and direction for future studies. Data was collected from some primary sources by interviewing some government and business executives and also from secondary sources from the literature.
Key words: remote employees; public administration; virtual work; telework; telecommuting
JEL codes: M120

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